Climate Education
For Ordinary Citizens With
Extraordinary Commitments
A one-stop shop for anyone who wants to understand the fine details of climate science, past and future energy sources, and U.S. policies and political action to address the climate crisis.
- Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, Horn Distinguished Professor and Endowed Chair,
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Finally, everything needed by those of us who are very concerned about climate change is collected in one place. The problem, the consequences and the solutions are all contained in this book. John Perona has done a great service to climate activism.
-Mark Reynolds, Executive Director,
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Science, public policy and politics all come together in this book and show us how to survive and eventually thrive while ending the climate crisis.
-Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury

drives the US clean energy transition.

helping to control global warming.

hands-on tool for savvy citizen advocates.

to an inclusive and equitable energy transition.

to sharply cut emissions from transportation

in reducing emissions. Will the US follow suit?

but impacts to river ecology can be significant

natural carbon cycle, leading to global warming

to pinpoint the sources of atmospheric methane

are already impacting communities across the US