Slider Image Credits

  • Rapidly expanding solar and wind power drives the US clean energy transition.
  • Credit :
  • Reforestation stores carbon on land, helping to control global warming.
  • Photo by Alejandro Barron from Pexels
  • The EnRoads climate simulator provides an effective, hands-on tool for savvy citizen advocates.
  • Credit: Climate Interactive
  • Energy-efficient cities can help lead the way to an inclusive and equitable energy transition.
  • Photo by Nancy Bourque from Pexels
  • Hydroelectricity provides low-carbon power, but impacts to river ecology can be significant
  • Credit – US Army Corps of Engineers
  • Remote sensing technology allows climate scientists to pinpoint the sources of atmospheric methane
  • Credit: NASA
  • Stronger wildfires, hurricanes and heat waves are already impacting communities across the US
  • Credit:NASA