The K2P Blog

Advocate or Activist

Today more than half of Americans profess to be alarmed or concerned about climate change, yet few do much to act on their beliefs. Detailed public opinion surveys show that about a third of the alarmed Americans identify as active alarmed, based on their responses to questions about their past political behavior, their willingness to engage in climate

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Making a Difference on Climate Change

If you have become concerned or alarmed about climate change, you are most certainly not alone. In fact, public opinion surveys are showing that today a majority of Americans hold these views. As one who advocates solutions and talks about climate change a lot, though, I have learned that many people experience a big hurdle between

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Renewable Diesel for Oregon

Updated May 5, 2022 Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and industry are among the most challenging to mitigate, in part because electrification of many end uses in these sectors is not yet possible. For these applications, the environmentally responsible use of biofuels provides a robust and potentially rapid approach to reducing climate impacts. In particular,

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Introducing From Knowledge to Power (K2P)

When I began writing K2P a few years ago, I grappled with the question of whether the world really needed another book on climate change, when so much information was already available. This issue should properly preoccupy any aspiring writer on the subject. As a research scientist by profession, the need for originality in my

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Welcome to the Earthward Newsletter. Earthward is a weekly nonpartisan newsletter that covers recent events in the climate and renewable energy space, including science, technology, policy, politics and citizen advocacy.
Earthward is written by Dr. John Perona and is an outgrowth of the climate education work begun with From Knowledge to Power: The Comprehensive Handbook for Climate Science and Advocacy (K2P).
Subscription is free and will generate one (1) weekly email that will arrive on Thursday mornings. The email will include an “unsubscribe” link.


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